
Mo Mo Mo...

the best of the pictures yours truly took at the show can be seen on Flickr, check it check it, check it.

The Teenagers invaded Studio Just for Laughs the eve of January 29, 2008 and as expected were awesome. With everyone singing about cunts and geographically defined fucks; everybody in the audience was a Teenager tuesday night.

In a recent interview with the Montreal Mirror, Dorian Dumont of the Teenagers said straight up that while they aren't "totally unserious" they "don't take it too seriously, you know". Oh yes Dorian, i know.

Suspend your bullshit meter for the moment and indulge me in this theory:
After seeing The Teenagers live, i think the live show did come off as just that - totally unserious - BUT that ended up being the point.

That kind of unrefined half-assery is what makes The Teenagers successful. Their sexed up rhetoric-of-the-fuck-up which has become a mainstay throughout all their songs keeps them instantly relatable and polishes that aura of humbled quasi-fame that they get their cool from. Let's hope the Teenagers stay cool longer than the most people did in high school.
more pictures and commentary to come soon.

Songs from their spanking new LP Reality Check:

The Teenagers - Feeling Better (mp3)

The Teenagers - III (mp3)

The Teenagers - Sunset Beach (mp3)

Posted on 6:14 PM

On Nerd/Gangster Love

Filed Under (,,,) By Alex at 6:14 PM

What do you get when you cross two skinny white dudes from New York City who make electro rock instrumentals and the likes of Biggie Smalls, Slim thug, Kanye West, Notorious B.I.G.??

If you said anything other than Ratatat's remixes Vol II. you were very wrong.

Like more and more artists these days, Ratatat will give you their album for free, so you don't have to steal it.

These two -actually three...kind of- LSD happy allegedly named their collective after hallucinating a (or possibly several) tap dancing rat. Why is this important? Because indie rockers just don't do drugs anymore, they're more likely to reach for an inhaler than a syringe, so let's thank ratatat for their tireless efforts to keep that stereotype alive and prove that some indie rockers still have a pair.

So when you've listened to so muc
h Night Ripper that its just not fun anymore, check out these healthy alternatives.

Party and Bullshit - Notorious B.I.G. [Ratatat remix] (mp3)

Posted on 12:27 PM

On Wale

How do you make the most overblogged about song once again blogworthy? You call yourself Wale and make this d.a.n.c.e. remix:

W.A.L.E.D.A.N.C.E. (mp3)

then, once you have people's attention you take shit further by writing a song about nike shoes like you just don't care who calls you out on it and make it so good that no one does:

The entire album 100 Miles and Running can be downloaded at his myspace for free.
This D.C. rapper's name apparently means We Ain't like Everybody and i have to say i think i might believe him. Despite the fact that Soulja Boy has crowned himself the best MC alive - can we please leave that "crank that" gem buried someplace no one need find it where it belongs - Wale hasn't given up... look out DeAndre your crown may be in jeopardy.

Wale near you:

  • Feb 12 2008 Scion presents HEIST @ Satellite ballroom featuring Wale - Charlottesville, Virgina
  • Feb 13 2008 Eastern Shore HC - Princess Anne, Maryland
  • Feb 28 2008 Highline Ballroom with Pete Rock - New York
  • Feb 29 2008 Noisepop / Electropop Festival @ Mighty - San Francisco, Cali
  • Mar 12 2008 Myspace Tour with Justice @ 9:30 Club - Washington DC
  • Mar 13-15 2008 SXSW - Austin Texas