Posted on 7:15 PM

Hpstr Lost & Found

Filed Under (,,) By Alex at 7:15 PM


There are certain times in everyone's life when one may feel lost, discarded or disoriented. Take this young lady for example; the dirt encrusted white canvas vans shoes say, I'm not afraid to swallow my pride and shop at urban outfitters, the pink leggings? I want to party like a slut, without actually being one, the downcast look, This show isn't as cool as it's supposed to be...Where's the cobrasnake?

When I feel lost I tend to cling to the familiar, the classics, the songs you know you'll love regardless of how many times you hear them.

From Cobra Snake to Cobra Krames, a fresh twist on an old favorite, a One More Time remix worth reminiscing about.

Daft Punk - One more Time [Cobra Krames What Mix] (zshare)