Posted on 12:42 PM

Bon Iver makes quirk cool again

Filed Under (,,) By Alex at 12:42 PM

Remember when being weird was cool? Remember what the stranger and more off key vocals could get, the better? remember Alice in Chains? Well i do. I also remember when that trend was taken too far and it wasn't even about the music anymore. Keeping in theme with my last post about Fuck Buttons. Bon Iver has convinced me that quirky is cool once again.

Bon Iver - Skinny love (mp3)

Bon Iver - The Wolves [Part i and ii] (mp3)

Bon Iver - Creature Fear (mp3)

Posted on 9:29 PM

Fuck Buttons

Filed Under (,,) By Alex at 9:29 PM

The Buttons

At some point in everyone's life, however temporarily, you just can't listen to anymore fucking dance music. This occurred collectively after the mid to late 90's rush of dance hits whose demise was signaled by the wide acceptance of films like "A night at the Roxbury" as a mainstream hit.

There was just so many times the public could hear "What is love?" before all the "Baby don't hurt me"'s in the world couldn't stifle the average citizen's urge to indeed hurt him, and in away that incapacitates his ability to make infectious bad dance music.

We may just be approaching such a collective awakening ourselves, and the UK's Fuck Buttons may just be on to something.

Here they are at SXSW performing Sweet Love For Planet Earth.

Officially recorded as an "experimental noise" group, Fuck Buttons are gaining perhaps surprising popularity internationally and are touring in support of their album Street Horrrsing. I can't help but wonder what Fuck Buttons show is like, given most of the music has a slow, listen at home alone kind of feel. Give it a listen. Broaden those fucking horizon's.

Fuck Buttons - Sweet Love For Planet Earth (mp3)

Fuck Buttons - Street Horrrsing - Sweet Love for Planet Earth

Fuck Buttons - Bright Tomorrow (mp3)

Fuck Buttons - Street Horrrsing - Bright Tomorrow